For anyone who’s still willing to listen to Michael Moore (creator of Fahrenheit 9/11, Roger and Me, etc) and not roll their eyes (yes, I’m one of them), I found a small video clip of him talking briefly about what he thinks of people sharing his movies for free over peer-to-peer networks.
I like the quote “I do OK”. I’ve always respected his ability to maintain his own perspective even in the face of fame and fortune. Of course I see him as an active critic of many of our society’s foibles, which I respect. So naturally I think he’s on to something here.
We hear a lot of how the recording industry and movie industry are trying to protect the artist’s rights by suing anyone they can find that downloads movies illegally. Here’s an artist speaking directly to the issue, and the story is not quite the same as the corporate bigwigs’.
Here’s the video (1:40 minutes – 5.4MB)
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