Happy 4th Birthday theBside … Now Grow Up Already!

Wow, look at that.  I’ve been blogging here since March 2005 – a full 4 years.  292 posts about … stuff.

So Happy Birthday theBside – you’re 4 years old!

Now it’s time to talk turkey – I think it is time for a change.  Anyone who’s tried to blog on their own will agree that it actually is a bit of a time sink.  It takes time to find and vette interesting things, time to compose a post, and time to inject some degree of intelligence or thought into it.  I aimed at posting at least once per week and I think I accomplished that for a large majority of the 200-odd weeks I’ve been posting.

Today there are a few other blogging things around that didn’t exist in 2005, or at least were not as prevalent or popular back then.  For example there is Facebook, a service that you frankly have to ask how they plan on making money.  There’s also microblogging services like Twitter, and I can understand why microblogging is so popular.  It allows you to skip all that time I mentioned above, as you don’t need to inject intelligence or humour or anything into the posts.  It is much more stream of concious, simply posting about your rumbling tummy.

I think the microblogging phenomenom will fade soon enough, as the lack of substance in anything eventually catches up to all fads.  Twitter will morph into something else though.

And that’s what I’m thinking needs to happen to theBside.  It needs to morph into something else.  I’d like to spend less time blogging, and more time being productive in real life.  However I find the blog useful for looking back or keeping track of resources for later reference.

Since my audience is currently minimal, I’m not sure the change is important to anyone other than me.  But I’m officially giving myself permission to post things with less thought, less commentary, and less … well … time investment.  I’m not ruling out thoughtful commentary posts, but I’m also going to start putting things up that really will just be things I want to keep track of for later.

Since my inaugural first post under this new regime is now nearing record-breaking length, I’ll sign off.

Let’s see what the 5th year holds for theBside.

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