The Goggs Inaugural Puzzle is Complete!

Our very first puzzle at Goggs Avenue is finally complete! Alisa and several of our friends have been determinedly plunking down Simpson-esque puzzle pieces for weeks now. Well, we took a short break there and flew to Mexico, but I digress.

At last, tonight, Alisa’s very last night as a 28 year old, we crossed the finish line. We stayed the course. We chased down terrorism in … oh heck … Ta da!

The Puzzle is complete!

It really is All Good.

Happy Holidays 2005

Everyone at Goggs Ave wishes you a Happy Holiday filled with family, friends, love and laughter.

We managed to get our lights up some weeks ago, but only recently grabbed a picture – so here you go. Goggs Avenue in all its Holiday splendor.

Goggs Avenue Holiday Lights

Click the image for a much larger version (6.5 MB)

We did not offically turn the lights on until December 1st, so don’t shake your heads quite so quickly when I say we got them up weeks ago. They were up, just not lit – I swear!

We still have to put up the Christmas tree and interior decorations, but we’re well on our way to being offically ‘decorated’.

Farewell Cherry, We Hardly Knew You

Today we had a visit from an arborist, or a group thereof. What do you call a group of arborists anyways? Gaggle seems approrpiate. They spent some time climbing about our large cherry tree, trying to clean it up a little. We inherited it from the previous owner of the house who, apparently, did not see any value in pruning the tree. It now has grown so large and thick it is almost killing itself.

The arborist solemnly cleared off the top branches in anticipation of continuing the cleansing in the fall after the tree has a chance to catch its breath. Of course, the tips of the branches have all the blossoms, so I’m not sure we’ll be seeing much of a show this spring from this particular cherry tree.

Ah well, all in the name of healthy living!