Blue Angels In The Sky

Boy people patent some wacky things!

For example, any guy who stayed in a college dorm knows what a “Blue Angel” is – young men like to light their intestinal gas on fire and marvel at their innate ability to produce fire. It’s Neanderthalic, its moronic, its free entertainment. Dorm food doesn’t help matters.

Oh sure there are horror stories you hear about how the flame travels up inside and burns a guy, or the explosion is so violent that, well, you get the idea. So two men thought it would be a good idea to patent an idea behind what could possibly be the weirdest “rocket” I’ve ever heard of:

A recreational activity practiced by some individuals is ignition of one’s own flatus. This is performed by using a lit match or candle, or a cigarette lighter. So widespread is this activity that there are web sites on the Internet devoted exclusively to explaining proper lighting techniques.

OK, I’ll take your word on that good sirs.

A major drawback of this popular practice is that it usually involves the hazardous coupling of fire, combustible gases and inebriated participants. Reports of serious burns to body parts are not uncommon, this being especially true when the
participants remove their clothing.

Indeed, you can’t argue with that reasoning. So these two fellows offer up a novel invention to help those poor inebriated firebugs:

A toy gas-fired missile and launcher assembly whose missile is composed of a soft head and a tail extending therefrom formed by a piston. … To operate the assembly, the operator places the inlet tube with its valve open adjacent his anal region from which a colonic gas is discharged. The piston is then withdrawn to a degree producing a negative pressure to inhale the gas into the combustion chamber to intermix with the air therein to create a combustible mixture. The ignitor is then activated to explode the mixture in the chamber and fire the missile into space.

Translation: you launch a rocket by releasing and lighting your “flatus” in this contraption. Yup – someone paid to patent this. I honestly see a market for it too – don’t you?

The Manager in Me

I know many of you may have seen some of these demotivational sayings before, but this is a great collection of them all in one place. Some of these hit the spot so perfectly …

These ones made me laugh out loud:
Dare To Slack

You can click on the horizontal listing of all the words to view them one by one. Click the little >>’s to move to the next group of words.


Wherefore Art Thou, Luigi?

We all have fond memories of those embarrassing skits, plays, talent shows and related spectacles that we were forced to participate in during our high school years – don’t we? Surely I’m not the only one? This video however shows some real chutzpah, with some great content. Certainly impresses me and I’m considered a senior of the gaming community nowadays.

Behold – a live interpretation of Super Mario Bros!

Google video starts with a Flash video (sorry about that), but allows you to download a non-Flash version if you try. If you’re running Linux it automatically offers a nice .avi file for downloading. Thanks Google – almost makes up for using Flash in the first place. Almost.

Who Wants to Know What Social Networking Is?

This is a funny bit of video – anyone interested in a new phenomenon that many people believe is warping the Internet and the next generation of users should take a few minutes to watch. Social Networking: it’s funny, I swear. Sorry it is Flash format.

On an unrelated note, here’s another Jon Stewart interview concerning the recent shooting by the Vice President of the United States of America.

Chuck Norris Facts

Someone pointed me to the Chuck Norris Facts page. Good for a quick laugh if you’re familiar with who Chuck Norris is. Might want to look back further in time than Walker: Texas Ranger though – he was a badass before that show.

For your pleasure, here are the top 5 facts:

  1. Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.
  2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
  3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
  4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
  5. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can’t see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

Chuck himself thinks a few of these are funny.